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Showing posts with label Season 18 - Pokémon XY - Kalos Quest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Season 18 - Pokémon XY - Kalos Quest. Show all posts

Pokémon : S18 | E45- All Eyes on the Future!

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 45

Season 18 | Episode 45

All Eyes on the Future!

The Double Battle between Ash and Olympia, the Anistar Gym Leader, is just beginning! Olympia’s powerful team of Meowstic, with their combination of Helping Hand (a support move) and Future Sight (a delayed attack), seems unbeatable. But once Ash recognizes Olympia’s strategy, things begin to turn around! He asks Pikachu to measure the timing of the Future Sight delay, and with that information, directs his Talonflame and Frogadier to send the Meowstic right into the path of their own attack! Ash claims the victory, and with it, the Psychic Badge!

Our heroes then set their sights on Snowbelle City, where Ash hopes to win the last Gym badge he needs to enter the Kalos League...while Olympia warns of a future crisis that threatens the entire Kalos region!

Pokémon : S18 | E44- Cloudy Fate, Bright Future!

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 44

Season 18 | Episode 44

Cloudy Fate, Bright Future!

Ash is preparing for his Anistar Gym battle as Professor Sycamore arrives in the city to research the origins of the mysterious Anistar Sundial. A young woman appears and angrily demands that the professor leave at once! Gym Leader Olympia soon arrives to stop her apprentice. Powerful and mysterious, Olympia can actually see into the future!

Olympia has a vision of the strong bond between Ash and Frogadier and a bright future for both, but she also sees that the sundial is in great danger of being destroyed—by none other than Team Rocket! Our heroes join forces with Olympia and her apprentices to send the villains blasting off again.

The formidable Olympia accepts Ash’s Gym battle challenge, and while his friends are a little nervous, Ash can’t wait for the chance to win his seventh Kalos Gym badge!

Pokémon : S18 | E43- A Performance Pop Quiz!

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 43

Season 18 | Episode 43

A Performance Pop Quiz!

Serena joins her friends Shauna and Nini in the Anistar City Pokémon Showcase! The Theme Performance is a Pokémon quiz, which knocks Nini out of contention. Shauna, Serena, and Jessilee (Jessie in disguise) move on to the Freestyle Performance.

Jessie’s performance includes a loud fireworks display that sends Eevee running for cover! Serena can’t perform until she finds Eevee—fortunately, the sound of her voice soon brings it out of hiding. Shauna and Serena give remarkable performances, and Serena wins her second Princess Key!

As soon as the Showcase is over, Tierno and Shauna run off to help their friend Trevor. Ash’s Gym battle is next on our heroes’ journey!

Pokémon : S18 | E42- Tag Team Inspiration!

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 42

Season 18 | Episode 42

Tag Team Inspiration!

In Anistar City, where Serena is rehearsing for the next Pokémon Showcase, our heroes get a nice surprise when their friends Tierno and Shauna arrive with newly evolved Pokémon! Serena’s new friend Eevee is skittish and shy in the presence of so many others, and she suggests a Tag Battle so Eevee can gain some experience and confidence.

The matchup features Ash and Tierno versus Serena and Shauna! When Tierno and his Blastoise go into their usual battle dance, Eevee starts toe-tapping right along with them, and soon it’s leaping and whirling faster than Blastoise can follow! It gets one good hit in with Swift as Serena watches, starry-eyed...and then she asks everyone to put the battle on hold so her team can rehearse a new performance idea!

Ash and Tierno happily continue the battle on their own as Serena and Shauna go off to practice—because the next morning, it’s time to register for the Showcase!

Pokémon : S18 | E41- Lights! Camera! Pika!

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 41

Season 18 | Episode 41

Lights! Camera! Pika!

During their journey across the Kalos region, our heroes are surprised to come across the largest group of Pikachu they’ve ever seen! It turns out that these Pikachu live on the sprawling estate of Frank, a film director who adores Pikachu.

Frank has long dreamed of making a blockbuster movie about a group of Pikachu living in Pikachuland, who must defend their town against the evil Pikachu Libre! Super Pikachu will save the day, and Frank wants Ash’s Pikachu to play the part of the beloved superhero.

Our heroes want to take part in the production, too, so they participate in every aspect of making the film: script writing, voice acting, even costumes and makeup. When everything is finished, it’s clear that the action-packed movie—complete with a blooper reel and a behind-the-scenes documentary filmed by Serena—is a resounding success!

Pokémon : S18 | E40- A Frolicking Find in the Flowers!

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 40

Season 18 | Episode 40

A Frolicking Find in the Flowers!

As our heroes take a break in a beautiful meadow on their way to Anistar City, Serena and Bonnie unexpectedly come across an Eevee, dancing joyfully in the sunlight! Serena is quite charmed by the Evolution Pokémon, but then Ash calls out to the girls and startles Eevee into running away.

Determined to find Eevee again, Serena decides to put on a performance to attract its attention. Sure enough, Eevee creeps up to watch—only to be grabbed by Team Rocket! In the battle that follows, Eevee uses Protect to keep Serena out of the line of fire, and Pikachu’s Thunderbolt soon sends the villains blasting off again.

Serena asks Eevee to join her Pokémon Showcase team. After a bit of shy hesitation, Eevee agrees, and our heroes are off once more—with a new member in the group!

Pokémon : S18 | E39- A Trip Down Memory Train!

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 39

Season 18 | Episode 39

A Trip Down Memory Train!

On the road to Anistar City, Ash and friends fall into a Team Rocket pit trap! Pikachu quickly sends the villains blasting off again. Then the ground underneath our heroes collapses, leaving them in an abandoned subway tunnel.

Bonnie is reminded of when she and Clemont first met Bunnelby, who was living in an old subway car in Lumiose City with a group of Pokémon. The group was being threatened by a grumpy Diggersby who wanted the train for itself! Thanks to some battling tips from Clemont, Bunnelby managed to defeat Diggersby and protect its home.

Soon after, the subway car was in danger, and Clemont, Bonnie, Bunnelby, and all its Pokémon friends—now including Diggersby—had to work together to move it to safety! After the train found its new home, Clemont and Bunnelby sadly parted ways...but Bunnelby’s friends had a better idea. They encouraged Bunnelby to go after its newly chosen Trainer, and the rest is history!

Pokémon : S18 | E38- The Tiny Caretaker!

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 38

Season 18 | Episode 38

The Tiny Caretaker!

Team Rocket has gotten their hands on a little Tyrunt, with plans to get it to evolve into a powerful Tyrantrum. It manages to escape by jumping from their balloon into a river, where it gets stuck in some rocks. Bonnie finds it and frees it, and the two of them begin to bond, while their friends watch in amazement. But Clemont can’t quite understand what a Tyrunt would be doing out there in the wild...

Determined as ever, Team Rocket grabs Tyrunt, Bunnelby, Dedenne, and Bonnie! Everyone soon gets free, and Bonnie comes up with a fun plan to defeat the hapless trio. A fierce battle ensues, Tyrunt evolves into Tyrantrum, and it’s blast-off time once again!

When Bonnie learns that Tyrantrum comes from the Pokémon Fossil Research Lab and already has a Trainer, she sadly realizes that it can’t travel with her. Tears are shed as Bonnie says goodbye to her new friend, but she promises to come back someday for a visit, and our heroes’ journey continues.

Pokémon : S18 | E37- A Legendary Photo Op!

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 37

Season 18 | Episode 37

A Legendary Photo Op!

When our heroes arrive at the foot of Mt. Molteau, the sudden appearance of a fiery Charmeleon lets them know that Trevor, their friend from Pokémon summer camp, is nearby! His goal is to take a photograph of the Legendary Pokémon Moltres, who is reputed to live on Mt. Molteau.

The Team Rocket villains are close behind, hoping to catch Moltres for the Boss. But first they grab Pikachu and a battle ensues near the volcano’s crater. The Legendary Pokémon awakens during the fray and sends Team Rocket blasting off with a powerful Flamethrower!

Unfortunately, Moltres thinks our heroes are also enemies and turns its attack on them! While trying to protect Ash and his friends, Fletchinder evolves into a magnificent Talonflame. When Talonflame finds itself in trouble, Ash jumps to the rescue, saving his beloved Pokémon and proving to Moltres that he means it no harm.

Trevor has gotten his photograph, our heroes have met Moltres, and Ash and Talonflame vow to work hard together. And now the journey to Anistar City continues!

Pokémon : S18 | E36- Mending a Broken Spirit!

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 36

Season 18 | Episode 36

Mending a Broken Spirit!

Serena is reworking her Pokémon Showcase routine when a powerful attack from Pancham hits Braixen and breaks its beloved branch! Everyone tries to find Braixen a new branch, but it isn’t interested in a replacement. Team Rocket has been spying as usual, and James dons a disguise and joins our heroes to see if he can help.

Nurse Joy suggests they take the branch to a tree surgeon, Mr. Woodward, for repairs. He first wants Serena and Braixen to demonstrate their bond, and the best way to do that is with a battle. Braixen eventually uses its broken branch to unleash a powerful new move: Fire Blast! This shatters the branch beyond repair but restores Braixen’s confidence, and it finally accepts the new branch Pancham offers. Our heroes are off once more to Anistar City, and the bond between Serena and Braixen is stronger than ever!

Pokémon : S18 | E35- Adventures in Running Errands!

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 35

Season 18 | Episode 35

Adventures in Running Errands!

Our heroes have stopped at a busy Pokémon Center to get out of the rain when the power goes out! Clemont soon discovers that a leak in the roof has caused a short circuit, and recruits Luxray, Pikachu, and Dedenne to serve as a temporary source of electricity while he fixes it. Ash climbs up to repair the leak, and Serena and Bonnie offer to help Nurse Joy take care of the Pokémon.

Clemont needs a replacement fuse, but he can’t leave the still-sparking fuse box unattended, and everyone else is still hard at work. So he sends Chespin and Bunnelby into town with a note for the shopkeeper! Along the way, the two Pokémon run into Team Rocket...but just as Ash shows up looking for Chespin and Bunnelby, they send the villains blasting off all by themselves!

Eventually, they acquire the new fuse and bring it back to Clemont, who gets the power going again, and all is well...all except for Chespin, who eats way too much at the victory feast and becomes the newly restored Pokémon Center’s first patient!

Pokémon : S18 | E34- Over the Mountain of Snow!

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 34

Season 18 | Episode 34

Over the Mountain of Snow!

A giant snowy mountain stands between our heroes and their next destination. To cross it, they rent two powerful Mamoswine and climb on board! It’s a treacherous trek up to the summit, but everything proceeds as planned until the Mamoswine make an unexpected turn toward the Frost Cavern, where a mighty Abomasnow blocks the way!

Ash and the others discover that Abomasnow is standing guard over a sick little Snover, and Clemont soon has everyone searching for medicinal plants. With these ingredients, he prepares a remedy, and Snover is soon feeling just fine. After a brief run-in with the Team Rocket trio, our heroes set off once more, and the Mamoswine carry them down the other side of the mountain toward Anistar City!

Pokémon : S18 | E33- A Festival Trade! A Festival Farewell?

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 33

Season 18 | Episode 33

A Festival Trade! A Festival Farewell?

On their journey, Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie come across a Gourgeist Festival, where everyone dresses in Pokémon costumes. Naturally, our heroes want to join the fun!

Meanwhile, Team Rocket, also in costume, gets an invitation to the castle from Count Pumpka. His Prince Pumpkaboo has developed quite an interest in Jessie’s Pumpkaboo. Jessie seizes the opportunity and tells the count that some terrible villains have stolen her Pikachu—namely, our heroes! She suggests that she might trade her Pumpkaboo to the count if he helps rescue Pikachu.

The count’s steward confronts Ash and the others, demanding that they return Pikachu to its rightful Trainer—but because Pikachu is wearing a Psyduck costume and Chespin is dressed as Pikachu, he ends up grabbing Chespin by mistake!

Back at the castle, Jessie reluctantly agrees to the trade. But when the trade is complete, Jessie’s Pumpkaboo evolves into a Gourgeist, and suddenly Prince Pumpkaboo isn’t interested anymore! Jessie gets her Gourgeist back, Team Rocket is revealed and promptly sent blasting off again, Chespin and Clemont are reunited, and all’s well that ends well!

Pokémon : S18 | E32- Rotom's Wish!

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 32

Season 18 | Episode 32

Rotom's Wish!

At a run-down hotel, a timid desk clerk named Weston shows our heroes to their room. Ash wants to check out the hotel’s public battlefield, where they discover Mantle, the owner, challenging other Trainers to battle...and taking their Pokémon when they lose!

Weston’s Rotom comes out of hiding to reveal that its Trainer was once the owner, but Mantle challenged him to a battle on the hotel’s opening day 10 years ago. When the inexperienced Rotom ran away, Mantle declared himself the winner—of the battle and the hotel! To make amends, Rotom sends our heroes back in time to that fateful battle! This time, Clemont and the others help Weston and Rotom defeat the crook.

When they return to the present, our heroes discover a big change: the hotel is sparkling and clean, Weston is the rightful owner, and Mantle and his goons are working as bellhops. And a framed photo from the hotel’s opening day proves that our heroes really were there!

Pokémon : S18 | E31- Performing with Fiery Charm!

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 31

Season 18 | Episode 31

Performing with Fiery Charm!

Serena is ready to compete in the Dendemille Town Pokémon Showcase—and so is her rival Miette, who once challenged her to a Poké Puff baking contest! As it turns out, the Theme Performance is all about Poké Puffs, and Serena, Miette, and Jessilia (Team Rocket’s Jessie in disguise) all advance to the Freestyle Performance.

After a run-in with Jessie that leaves a noticeable tear in Serena’s costume, she’s worried that this Showcase will end like her last one. But traveling with Ash has taught Serena never to give up, so she grabs her sewing kit to make a few last-second adjustments...and ends up winning the Freestyle Performance and her first Princess Key!

Pokémon : S18 | E30- A Frenzied Factory Fiasco!

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 30

Season 18 | Episode 30

A Frenzied Factory Fiasco!

Our heroes have taken an exciting detour from their Anistar City journey: a visit to the one-and-only Poké Ball Factory! The three factory managers who offer them a tour look strangely familiar...

It’s Team Rocket, of course, but by the time the villains reveal themselves, our heroes have handed over every one of their Poké Balls (plus Pikachu) and gotten themselves locked in a storeroom! When Pikachu escapes, a frantic chase ensues as Pikachu tries to rescue the case full of Poké Balls and Meowth tries to use Pikachu’s own Poké Ball to trap it!

Finally, Meowth offers a challenge: if Pikachu can beat him in battle, he’ll give back all the Poké Balls. Meowth tries to pull a double-cross, but Pikachu’s Iron Tail takes him down, and Team Rocket goes blasting off again. And after freeing the real factory managers, our heroes get an official tour by way of thanks!

Pokémon : S18 | E29- A Relay in the Sky!

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 29

Season 18 | Episode 29

A Relay in the Sky!

During aerial training with Noibat, our heroes spot three Pokémon flying overhead at impressive speed. It turns out they’re headed to the Pokémon Sky Relay, an aerial race in which three-member teams of flying Pokémon compete against each other. An elderly gentleman named Ornithol offers his Sky Relay expertise, and Ash just happens to have three flying Pokémon, so they agree to work together!

Fletchinder takes an early lead. Then, in the second leg, Hawlucha encounters an aggressive Pelipper that keeps trying to knock it out of the sky...which turns out to be a robot powered by Meowth! Team Rocket is disqualified just in time for Hawlucha to hand off to Noibat for the final stretch, where it almost pulls ahead at the finish line...but an opposing Starly win by a beak. Our heroes are thrilled with Noibat’s performance, and Ornithol couldn’t be happier about finally competing in the Pokémon Sky Relay!

Pokémon : S18 | E28- A Not-So-Flying Start!

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 28

Season 18 | Episode 28

A Not-So-Flying Start!

When Ash’s Hawlucha finds a Pokémon Egg, everyone teams up to keep it warm, including a very helpful Fletchinder. Soon, a cute little Noibat hatches from the Egg! It starts trying to fly at once, but isn’t very successful. Hawlucha tries to show it how to ride the wind—until Team Rocket swoops in and grabs both of them!

Jessie and Meowth are hoping to evolve Noibat on the spot into a powerful Noivern, but James does some research and learns it won’t be that easy. During their discussion, the two Pokémon manage to escape into a pitch-black cave, where they quickly get the better of the villains thanks to Noibat’s sonar.

Once everyone is reunited and Team Rocket is sent blasting off again, our heroes are ready to set off again toward Anistar City—and Noibat decides to join them!

Pokémon : S18 | E27- Rivals: Today and Tomorrow!

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 27

Season 18 | Episode 27

Rivals: Today and Tomorrow!

After Ash’s victory at the Laverre Gym, our heroes are walking with Sawyer, who’s completely focused on his battle notebook and not watching where he’s going—until he trips and falls, dropping his notebook in the process! He doesn’t realize this until later, and by that time, Team Rocket has picked it up, determined to make use of all the information within. With the help of his Slurpuff’s talented nose, Sawyer manages to track down his prized possession, and he and Ash battle together to send Team Rocket blasting off again. Then, they decide to battle against each other!

Ash seems to be firmly in command...until Sawyer’s Treecko evolves into Grovyle and presents Frogadier with quite a challenge! Frogadier pulls off the win, but it’s a close one, and afterward, it’s clear that the two Pokémon are itching for a rematch. Sawyer heads off to challenge the Coumarine Gym, while Serena has her eye on the Pokémon Showcase in Dendemille Town, on the way to Ash’s next Gym battle in Anistar City!

Pokémon : S18 | E26- Fairy-Type Trickery!

Pokémon The Series:
XY -
Kalos Quest

Season 18 | Episode 26

Season 18 | Episode 26

Fairy-Type Trickery!

After observing the talents and skills of Laverre Gym Leader Valerie in action, it’s time for Ash to challenge her for his sixth Kalos Gym badge! First, Valerie’s Sylveon is up against Ash’s Fletchinder. Valerie is quite adept at drawing out the full potential of her Pokémon, but with help from Fletchinder’s Steel Wing attack (which is super effective against Fairy-type Pokémon), Ash gets the first win—as Sawyer takes copious notes.

Valerie next sends out Spritzee, who gains the speed advantage by using Trick Room and knocks Fletchinder out. The score is now one to one! Ash sends in Hawlucha, who uses a powerful X-Scissor to break through Spritzee’s Trick Room, leading the way to Ash’s victory and the Fairy Badge!

Sawyer really wants Ash to teach him how to battle with the same unique brand of creativity and power. Ash can’t quite figure out how to put his strategy into words...but he promises to battle Sawyer later by way of explanation, as the journey to the Kalos League continues!